Rise and Shine

Power of positivity

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There is very little that one can achieve without positive thinking, positive energy. Negative energy is poisonous and derails progress and success. Today, we want to focus on the need to maintain positivity even when it is difficult to do so.

We all know very well that Covid-19 has badly hit our country especially since December. We are fast losing so many close relatives and friends. The country is in a perpetually mourning mode. Almost every other day someone close to us dies. Even our tears are drying up. If you have not suffered from Covid-19, then at least you know two or three or more relatives and friends that have recovered from it or are still battling it out. The situation is very bad.

We must mourn our loved ones. We cannot avoid that. In fact, it is therapeutic. However, time must come when we have to move on while we do not forget them. We cannot afford to not move on. We need to consider the bright things that we still have and consider them as sources of positivity, because we necessarily need positive thoughts, positive energy and a positive environment to thrive and excel.

Even for the fallen brothers and sisters, we should try, no matter how hard it is, to remember the great moments we had with them. We want and need to survive now. By recalling those positive moments and times we spent with them, we may mourn them while maintaining a reasonable amount of positive energy.

In fact, we can extend the same approach and push ourselves to do things, good things and more things for the sake of those departed. We can choose to do good things to please the souls of our departed relatives and friends. Our good works, done to please them will make their souls smile in heaven. Therefore, for their sake, we can choose to move on and do more good for others, for ourselves and for society and that way we will still find meaning in life.

At the start of January, I attended a funeral of a man I greatly respected. The speeches that were made on that day made me know much more about his principles than I had known through my direct interaction with him. Most of the new things I learnt were not entirely strange to me – they reinforced what I knew ‘casually’. The most important bit is that I was greatly inspired by his life’s story. I immediately adopted a couple of principles of his life to embrace in how I conduct myself.

While I mourned the life of this great man, I got positive vibes by being impressed by what he achieved and how good he was. Through his death and funeral I got so inspired and challenged myself to seek greater heights of humanity and principles.

Likewise, we can all learn one or more big positive things from our departed relatives and friends. That can potentially have a profound positive impact on our life and through us the society. That can potentially help us achieve a lot. Because we have chosen to take a positive angle and that is the power of positivity.

Another way to maintain positivity during these tough times is by recalling our past achievements. Everyone has some amazing past achievements or good moments. Those are the things to look at and recall when the chips are down. Do not hesitate to recall past achievements and good moments to raise your spirits and to generate positivity.

Alternatively, you can generate positive energy by imagining the world post Covid-19 pandemic. Imagine the peace and tranquillity that will prevail. Imagine you will be free walking around without masks and sanitizers and attending weddings, church, parties and other events freely and in large numbers.

As we go through this challenging time of the Covid-19 pandemic, let us still look at the positive side of life and generate positivity so that we can still be successful. Good luck as you rise and shine in spite of the challenging moments we are going through.

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